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:: Volume 6, Issue 1 (spring 2020) ::
Health_Based Research 2020, 6(1): 51-65 Back to browse issues page
The Prevalence of Depression in Iranian Pregnant Women: A Meta-Analysis
Parvaneh Isfahani , Mozhgan Afshin , Faezeh Rasulkhani , Najmeh Azizi
Abstract:   (3167 Views)
The Prevalence of Depression in Iranian Pregnant Women: A Meta-Analysis
Isfahani Parvaneh1*, Afshin Mozhgan2, Rasulkhani Faezeh3, Azizi Najmeh4
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Healthcare Management, Faculty of Public Health, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
2. B.Sc. in Healthcare Management, Department of Healthcare Management, Faculty of Public Health, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran

3. B.Sc. Student in Healthcare Management, Department of Healthcare Management, Faculty of Public Health, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
4. M.Sc. in Healthcare Management, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran
*Correspondind Author: Parvaneh Isfahani
Address:  Faculty of Public Health, Shahid Rajaei St., Zabol, Iran     
Tel: 00985432232190                                         Email: p.isfehani@gmail.com
Background & Objectives: Depression is a common problem during pregnancy that can endanger the health of mother and baby. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression in Iranian pregnant women.
Methods: This study was performed using a meta-analysis from March 21, 1999 to July 21, 2020. All scientific articles on depression in Iranian pregnant women were searched in six databases as well as Google Scholar search engine and evaluated qualitatively. The heterogeneity of the studies was checked using I2 index, the possibility of publication bias was evaluated by Egger test, and meta-regression model was used to assess variables suspected of heterogeneity at significance level of 0.05. Finally, 33 studies were analysed using CMA.
Results: Based on the random model, the prevalence of depression in Iranian pregnant women was 10.9% (95% confidence interval: 8.2% - 14.54%). The highest prevalence was in Bonab in 2015 as 44.8% (95% confidence interval: 36.3%-53.6%) and the lowest prevalence was in Tehran in 2001 as 0.7% (95% confidence interval: 0.4%-1.3%). There was a significant relationship between year, sample size, mean age, and the prevalence of depression in Iranian pregnant women (P <0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, depression affects approximately one-tenth of pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to take actions such as exercise and psychotherapy to reduce depression in this group. 
Key­words: Depression, Pregnant Women, Prevalence, Iran
Citation: Isfahani P, Afshin M, Rasulkhani F, Azizi N. The Prevalence of Depression in Iranian Pregnant Women: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Health Based Research 2020; 6(1): 51-65. [In Persian]
Keywords: Depression, Pregnant Women, Prevalence, Iran
Full-Text [PDF 1308 kb]   (823 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Health education and health services
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Isfahani P, Afshin M, Rasulkhani F, Azizi N. The Prevalence of Depression in Iranian Pregnant Women: A Meta-Analysis. Health_Based Research 2020; 6 (1) :51-65
URL: http://hbrj.kmu.ac.ir/article-1-394-en.html

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