Performance Assessment of Faculty Libraries Affiliated with Kerman University of Medical Sciences Using Balanced Scorecard Model
Zaboli Sedigheh1, Solaymani nejad Adel2, Zaboli Rouhollah *3
Received: 6. 06. 2015 Revised: 30. 06. 2015 Accepted: 09. 07. 2015
1. MSc, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
3. Assistant Professor, Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
* Correspondence: Molla-Sadra Ave, Shaikh- Bahaiee Street, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: 09122351067 Email:
Introduction: Performance assessment process is aimed to assess the degree of predetermined objectives'achievement of the organizations including information on performance, customer satisfaction and achievements, and organizational effectiveness. BSC model is a toolto make a connection between the strategic objectives and the criteria. It also includes a group of performance assessment indices such as financial performance, costumerrelationship, internal processes, growth, and learning. BSC is not only a comprehensive and integrated approach to performance measurement, but also a management system with a new approach to strategic management. This study aimed to asses the performance of faculty libraries affiliated with Kerman university of medical sciences usingbalanced scorecard model.
Method: This study was a descriptive and analytical study which was conducted in a cross-sectional method. Faculty libraries affiliated with Kerman University of medical sciences have formed the research setting. The faculty staff as well as the faculty students comprised the study population. Questionnaires were conducted to collect data. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire was determined using content validity and Cronbach's alpha (reliability coefficient of thequestionnaire was 0.91), respectively. Data analysis was done using the descriptive statistics, average score calculation on the basis of five, doing the Kolmogorov - Smirnov test, and t-test using SPSS version 20 software.
Results: These findings showed that the mean score and the standard deviation of performance assessment of the libraries affiliated with Kerman university of medical sciences in dimension of resources and infrastructures was 3.21±0.59, the mean score of the dimension of services was 3.61± 0.63, the mean score of effectiveness dimension was 3.45± 0.53, and the mean score of the dimension of development and capacity was 2.85±0.9. Based on the performance assessment using balanced score model, the situation of libraries affiliated with Kerman university of medical sciences was as moderate.
Conclusion: Balanced Scorecard model is a useful tool to improve the performance of academic libraries. Balanced Scorecard strategic alignment model using a library function can have a large impact on librariesperformance improvement.
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard Model, Faculty Libraries, Performance Assessment
Citation: Zaboli S, Solaymani nejad A, Zaboli R . Performance Assessment of Faculty Libraries Affiliated with Kerman University of Medical Sciences Using Balanced Scorecard Model. Journal of Health Based Research 2015 1(1): 45-57.